

Welcome to Career Decisions Made Easy

We all know that a few lucky people seem to be born with a mission and know exactly what they want to do with their lives. The vast majority of us are not so fortunate.

Whether they are ready or not, young people everywhere need to make a commitment to a course of training that will lead to a profession by the time they graduate from high school. If the fact that 84% of Americans in the work place say that they are NOT working in their dream job (2007 Careerbuilder.com survey http://www...msnbc.msn.com/id/16795881/) is any indication, many people need to put more effort into the "What should I do?" question than just taking an aptitude test.

We live in a free country. Other than ourselves, no one is stopping us from finding a line of work we can truly enjoy.

What we're about:

This blog is about prevention as much as it is about fixing a problem. By openly sharing our work experiences and lessons learned, we can help each other not only find a good career match, we can help others avoid choosing something they won't be happy doing. That is a service that 84% of the workers and young people entering the work force will appreciate forever. There aren't many other ways we can make such a profound contribution.

If you have ever had a job you had no enthusiasm for, you know that helping both young and not-so-young people avoid the trap of simply drifting into or staying in a job they aren't suited for is a battle worth fighting.

What you will find and how to contribute:

We hope to publish posts on this blog that will be helpful to you as you decide on a career or research career fields. We welcome discussion and comments to the posts! We will also begin to archive resources that will help you on your journey. Feel free to suggest resources that you've found helpful as well.

*Also consider joining our blog as a "follower" (right side bar) to be updated on new and helpful posts as they are published!

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Career Decisions Made Easy!



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